■Gallery 1 by 4 ~新進アーティスト・ガイド from New York

第25回: Susan Rabinowitz    4/4


Susan Rabinowitz, Untitled Landscape, 2001
Oil on canvas, 76 x 351cm

I have been experimenting lately with acrylic paint. After inhaling gallons and gallons of turpentine, it was time to detoxify. Coming to understand its properties will open things up and send things in new directions. The acrylic moves very differently, for one thing, not to mention the color, the way it dries, the transparency, etc.

Susan Rabinowitz





Susan Rabinowitz (スーザン・ラビノウィツ)


BA and BFA from the University of Michigan, and MFA from School of Visual Arts. Susan lives and works in New York. Her works have been shown in New York and also included in a touring group show nationwide and in Europe.

原園 綾


Aya Kinoshita Harazono
Aya lives in NY, researching emerging artists and such art programs as artist-in-residence. Currently studying for a Masters in Anthropology at Hunter College. Her interests are lie in the evolution of human cognition as well as the origin of art.
