■Gallery 1 by 4 ~新進アーティスト・ガイド from New York

第27回: Kiriko Shirobayashi    2/4


Kiriko Shirobayashi, Lines
Untitled 12, 2002
C-print, 51 x 51cm

Kiriko Shirobayashi, Lines
Untitled 18, 2002
C-print, 51 x 51cm

When was it, that I knew the earth was a sphere?  It is still so fascinating to me. A line meets other lines and draws a sphere. There is no starting point as well as ending point. …
I capture the landscapes into a square format image, however, imaginable lines are always continuing. I treasure that these lines are part of a big spher.

Kiriko Shirobayashi

地球が丸いことを私が知ったのはいつだったでしょう? 今でもとても魅力的な事実です。一つの線は他の線につながり、丸を描いている。始まりの点もなければ終わりの点もない。…

城林 希里香

青い空、白い空、海、草原、山、砂漠など、"Lines"の作品にはシンプルな風景が静かに横たわる。最初、アメリカの桁外れの大自然を前に、現実感が持てず、自分のパーソナルなプロジェクト“Collected Moments”の撮影はできなかったと言う。新たなチャレンジとして、心の中の風景を写し取れないかと試みた。撮った写真を集めて見ると、それぞれの写真と写真の関係が見えてきて、同じ風景に何層も意味が加えられるのだそうだ。


城林 希里香  Kiriko Shirobayashi

BA from Osaka University of Arts. MFA from School of Visual Arts. Kiriko lives in New York. She started showing her work at a number of group shows while she was still a student in NY. Now she has more opportunities to show at art institutions and at her solo shows. She is also a recipient of various grants and residencies.

原園 綾


Aya Kinoshita Harazono
Aya lives in NY, researching emerging artists and such art programs as artist-in-residence. Currently studying for a Masters in Anthropology at Hunter College. Her interests are lie in the evolution of human cognition as well as the origin of art.
